Long time no see...jokes it's only been one week and I'm loving every minute of it!! Seriously, for some reason I just never thought I would love being a missionary as much as I do. Just telling you all about the power and spirit here at the MTC won't suffice. You have to experience it to know, but I will say it is SO inspiring.
Sooo a little about my week. Wednesday, after I was kicked to the curb of the MTC, I got my name tag (I still look down at it multiple times a day and smile because it's still so surreal to me that I'm a "sister"). My host sister took me to drop off my bags and then I met my companion and district. My companion is Sister Gardner. She's 5'1" and SUPER smart. She's actually from St. George so that's pretty neato. We get along great:) She makes up for what I lack in my teaching ability. God really knew what he was doing when he put us together. My district has 7 people in it. Sister Garder and I are the only sisters going to Fort Lauderdale, along with one elder. The other two sisters and two elders are going to Talahasse..(how ever you spell it). Sister Dillon (the one we saw at Zuppas right before I got dropped off at the MTC) and Sister Wood are so adorable. Sister Dillon fell of the top bunk our first night here and got a good sized bruise. We couldn't stop laughing!!
Thursday was probably the longest day of my life! Let me explain why. So everyday here at the MTC we have basically the same schedule
6:30 Wake up
repeat haha
They definitely keep us busy here! Thank goodness. I'm finally getting used to the schedule so the days are starting to fly by.
Everyday I see the hand of the Lord, multiple times a day! I think instead of boring you all with the details of my day I'll share with you the tender mercies I experience daily.
Everyday I see the hand of the Lord, multiple times a day! I think instead of boring you all with the details of my day I'll share with you the tender mercies I experience daily.
Wednesday-Getting such an amazing companion has been a HUGE tender mercy.
Thursday- I found peanut butter in the cafeteria!!! haha I know this doesn't seem like a tender mercy, but it was just a little bit of home and it got me through the day. I'm a dork.
Friday-I got to email my momma (for about 3 minutes)! Also, Sister Gardner and I taught our first lesson to an "investigator" (people come in and pretend to be investigators so that we can practice teaching. It feels real though!) It went better than I thought it would and I was able to feel the spirit as we taught.
Saturday- Sister Gardner and I met a sister here at the MTC who is from our mission (Sister Dorsan). It got me really excited to go out and teach the people of Florida!! Also, it was General Conference...so OBVIOUSLY that was a tender mercy in it of itself. It was so inspiring to sit amongst hundreds of young people who have devoted 18-24 months of their life to God. I've never loved General Conference as much as I did this last weekend. I just couldn't get enough of it. I can't wait till all of the talks come out in the Ensign so I can read them again. You should to!! I challenge you all to get the conference talks and re-read them before the next General Conference. Just do it:)
Sunday- We were able to listen to a devotional talk that Elder Bednar gave here at the MTC a while ago. It was called the Character of Christ. It was JUST what I needed to here. He talked about how Christ turns out when you and I would turn in. I also loved what Elder Jefferey R. Holland said in the morning session on Saturday that, "pure Christ like love can change the world". So my question to you is how can you be more Christ like this week?
Monday- I got my camera in the mail!! finally:) and I got a package and letters that helped me through the day. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such amazing people in my life.
My blonde moment of the week:Every Sunday night there is a devotional. This Sunday Vocal Point came (if you haven't heard of them, look them up. now.) anywhooo they announced who they were and I turn to my companion and go, "dang it! I can't even look them up to hear what they sound like for 18 whole months!!" It didn't occur to me until a few minutes later that they were there. To sing. So obviously I would be able to hear what they sounded like!!! hahaha woooow.
I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for your love and support. I know that God hears and answers prayers. He is a powerful God who knows you individually and cares about what you're going through. Remember that you don't have to be a missionary or have a name tag to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ. In fact you made a covenant to do so! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Sincerely, Sister Matheson
Sister Matheson GLOWS and radiates the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. A joyful beginning to 18 months of miracles and tender mercies. Love her!