I love it here in Port St. Lucie. The miracles just POURED in this week.
While knocking doors we met a guy in his 20's named Ramish. At first he seemed semi interested, but he accepted everything (baptism, church, and a return appointment) and the Spirit told us to go back and visit him. Our second appointment was great! As we taught him the Restoration and then invited him to be baptized he said, "but what if I was already baptized?" We started to re-teach the importance of being baptized by the correct authourity, but then he cut us off and said, "oh yeah, it has to be done by the priesthood. He over came his own concern and then made sure that he had work off so that he could come to church. Our ward mission leader picked him up and he seemed to enjoy it. They left before we could get over there to talk to them so we decided to go and visit him that night to talk to solidify his baptismal date. As we were bold and testifying he recognized that he shouldn't put it off and accepted a date for the 26th!!!
Last night we had some extra time in the evening and decided to go visit a Former Investigator from three years ago. We knocked on the door and the man we were looking for wasn't there, but his mother was. She invited us in and we prayed with her. The Spirit flooded the room and then we heard the door open. The man we had been looking for, Robinson, walked in and sat down. We introduced ourselves and taught a powerful Restoration lesson. At first he told us that he had found a church that he attended every sunday, but after our lesson and the invitation to read the Book of Mormon his heart changed and promised to read and pray about it. He said if God told him it was true that he'd do whatever it took to "find the Mormon faith". It was incredible. He accepted a baptismal date as well and his mother wants to learn more and get baptized as well.
I read in Alma 43 this week about captain Moroni. As he lead the Nephite army against the Lamanites they had no need to fear because he had "prepared his people with breastplates and with arm-shields, yea, and also shields to defend their heads, and also they were dressed with thick clothing". The Nephites also followed the comands of their leader, Moroni, and therefore were protected from their enemy. I pondered on this chapter and loved the way it portrayed the importance of preparation. As we do our studies in the morning and are exactly obedient we will have no need to fear because we will know that the Lord will grant unto us protection and success.
As an STL we go to a meeting at the beginning of every month down in Plantation. The Ap's and all of the Zone Leaders (This time the District leaders as well) attend as well. It was at President's house which is two and a half hours away. Friday we drove down with some of the other STL's. It was such a long drive and traffic was bad that we were two minutes late. (If you're from this mission, you'll understand. That's not okay). Sister Clegg and I had to go to the bathroom so badly, but couldn't hold it for the next three hours. As we walked in all of the Elders and the other STL's (over 50 people) looked over at us. We just ran to the bathroom and they all waited for us awkardly to start the meeting. Hahaha not one of my finest moments!
Here is a quote from President Richardson's email this week,
"I only have a minute,
just sixty seconds in it!
Didn't Seek It;
Didn’t choose It;
Forced Upon me;
Can’t refuse it;
But it’s up to me to use it!
I must suffer if I lose it;
Give account if I abuse it!
It's Just a tiny little minute…
but “Eternity” is in it!"
By the way, the Ensign for this month is AMAZING! Find out for yourself...:)
Sincerely, Sister Matheson
On the way home from MLC. (aka nap time)
Our Full Day exchange with Sister Lake and Estrada.
We kind of look like twins... |
Our investigator had this calendar in her house.
We asked her where she got it and she told us at a Chinese restaurant.
Who'd a thunk!?
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